Do you need to update your wardrobe for the office, but feel like you can’t afford it? If so, we’ve got some great tips and tricks that will help get you back in style on a budget. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars at once to make a good impression. In fact, many times all it takes is one new piece to refresh your look and give yourself an updated feel. We show you 4 ways to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank!

Figure Out What You Can Afford
Professional wardrobes are typically budget-friendly, with experts recommending an output of less than 7% of your take-home pay. If you need to update your wardrobe for work, start by looking at what kind of budget will be available.
Look through all income statements and bills from the previous few months so that you have a good idea how much money is left over each month after expenses!
Once you know how much money can go toward clothes for work, then it’s time to create a list of the items that are needed.
Figure out what can be purchased with your take-home pay, and then prioritize based on need vs. want. For example, you might not have enough money for all new shoes right now, but if it’s something you really need because the ones in your wardrobe no longer fit, put it at the top of your list.
If you can’t afford to update everything all at once, try putting together outfits with what you already have in order to get a feel for what new items would look best on you and how they fit into your current wardrobe.
Learn Tailoring SKills
While on a tight budget, it’s important to learn basic tailoring skills. This will help you make do with what you have, while not spending more on clothes than necessary. This is especially helpful for men or women that are of average height or shorter since it’s easier to get clothes that fit neatly thanks to the lack of long length.
Tailoring can be an invaluable skill in your wardrobe arsenal if you’re looking for quick and easy ways to update your shirt but don’t have the money to buy new ones. You can also get creative with sewing patterns by making them fit better through altering the pattern yourself!
It’s also worth mentioning that sourcing vintage clothing can save you some serious moolah. Items that are decades old can typically be found for a fraction of the cost at second-hand stores like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and local thrift shops!
Find items you love but don’t fit right? You can also try taking them to your tailor or dry cleaner who will do their best to adjust it so that it fits you like a glove.
Use Mobile Apps to Find Deals
There are many mobile apps that are designed to help you find the best deals on fashion, including Cloth for iOS and Android. These apps can give you access to exclusive sales that are only available via mobile, help provide recommendations based on your style preferences, or even allow users to sell their own clothes!
Cloth is a really unique app because it’s not just about finding great bargains – it also allows users to earn credits by selling their own clothing. The more items they sell through Cloth’s service, the higher status they receive within the community of Cloth members!
With this in mind, check out these awesome shopping tools today so that you can start saving money now before updating your wardrobe later. Who knows? You might be able to purchase all the items you need without having to break the bank!
Try Second-Hand Clothes
Thrift stores are typically where you’ll find the best deals on clothing, especially if you’re looking to update your wardrobe without spending too much money. It’s also a great place to get items that fit really well because there is no brand name or sizing labels to adhere to!
Your local thrift shop might not have what you’re looking for, but if you live in a big city like Vancouver or Toronto then there is bound to be something nearby that will work.
Searching second-hand clothing options might not sound as appealing as heading down to the mall and buying new clothes from your favourite brand name stores; however, it’s definitely worth checking out.